Counter Offers


Bruce Marx

  1. Most people accept counter-offers because their current employer offers them more money then their current salary to stay. The only reason they did so was because another employer thinks you’re worth more, so now so does your employer. Ask yourself why you had to threaten to resign before your present employer was willing to pay you what you are worth.
  2. Where is the money for the counteroffer coming from? Is it your next raise, or next several raises early? Most companies have their own strict wage and salary guidelines that they use, and often you won’t see a raise on your next review(s). The company that offered you the new position most likely has higher wage scales than your current employer thus ensuring higher salaries in the future. Many times candidates accept a counter-offer only to find they are not given a raise for several years.
  3. You have now made your employer aware that you are unhappy. From this day on, your loyalty will be in question.
  4. You are now “marked”. The possibility of promotion is often limited for someone who has given notice of termination.
  5. When times get tough, your employer could begin the cutbacks with those employees who showed less loyalty in the past.
  6. Carefully review in your mind the reasons you wanted to make a change in the first place. Does the counter offer really offset all of those reasons?
  7. Statistics compiled by the National Employment Association confirm the fact that over 80% of those employees who elect to accept a counteroffer are no longer with their employer six to twelve months later.
  8. Consider the scenario that your present employer could merely be buying time with this raise until they can find a replacement.
  9. Accepting a counteroffer is an insult to your intelligence and a blow to your personal pride, knowing that you were bought.
  10. If you intend to seriously consider a counteroffer, it might be wise to ask your present employer to confirm all the details in writing. Good luck getting that!